7 Easy Steps To Move Your Comfort Zone

Often times you might find yourself sitting in traffic on the highway stopped, just stopped, on the road that should be flowing steadily at 60+ mph. The stop-and-go process ensues. A few miles into it, the brake & gas foot/ankle exercise, you come upon what it might be. Usually, it’s the aftermath of a fender bender that has moved to the side of the road or a trooper with lights flashing giving a driver a “safety citation” to redeem in court at a future time. After that, things open up and traffic flows as usual. For me, as I mash down on the gas pedal and let all eight cylinders light up, and let the Challenger run free for a bit, I wonder why the hell people have to slow down and “rubberneck” the scene when in fact there is nothing left to see. A few events are happening in some linear order that created this mess in the first place. Continue reading “7 Easy Steps To Move Your Comfort Zone”

How To Set Goals In Two Easy Steps

If you have not noticed, there are small changes in format and functionality made to this website every few weeks. Not only do I try to come up with valuable and creative content, I also learn how to make this website easier to navigate and increase its functionality. For example, this week, I fixed the iPhone/iPad interface bug that now allows comments from those devices. The previous week I added the search box that works. Whenever I am about to make a code or layout change to the website, I go through a backup procedure and keep a copy of all of the files and code offline, just in case I did something stupid and can quickly go back to the functional version. After the change, I test everything I possibly can and have the patience for it.  This week’s task was to stress test the search box, and just for fun, I typed the word “Goals” and learned there are ten articles that reference goals.
One of the common underlying themes in articles about goals is that most touch on systematic methods to set goals, a system. Developing systems and workflows is a professional approach to establishing habits. Changing or adapting new habits requires a behavior change.  Changing behavior is difficult if one does not recognize that a particular behavior needs to be changed, especially if it is identified as a possible root cause. Let’s look at an example of changing behavior.
There are a couple of blogs that were written to help the reader observe and identify behaviors. One, in particular, was the post on tracking your spending for a week on food, transportation, and entertainment for one week.  How many of you made the effort to collect receipts every time you made a purchase?  Collecting receipts is one step of a simple system. How many of you summarized the purchases using a notepad or the Excel sheet that was provided?  Not many, based on the comments and conversations I’ve had with a few readers, and here’s the reason why.  There is a saying in sales that applies to behavior changes.
“A customer won’t purchase until the cost of the problem outweighs the cost of the solution.”
The same principle applies to breakthroughs that create behavior changes.  No amount of “would of, should of, could of” will change a behavior until a level of discomfort is more unbearable than implementing a system and creating an action plan to solve a problem or achieve a goal.  Even if blog writers or coaches provide tools, techniques, and systems and lay them out and explain how to use them, no one ever will use tools and techniques until a necessary reactive response comes into play, like a decision to change a circumstance or a habit. Developing systematic methods to set and achieve goals creates a more proactive environment, which to me, is certainly more enjoyable than constantly reacting to things. Much worse, solving the same problem over and over again and expecting a different result.
Like many skills that one develops, the secrets, reveal themselves when you know where to look and recognize their significance as they are applied to you.  So let’s get back to the headline that brought you into this post and down to this week’s bottom line: How to Develop Your System. Easy, you don’t have to develop your system, you merely borrow it from someone else, implement it, and begin to make subtle changes to make it work for you.  This blog contains quite a few systems that started with an idea from my mentors, coaches, authors, leaders, and other bloggers, and took best practices and made them my own.  I merely took them to the next level by applying them to the circumstances that I created to achieve the results. You wouldn’t build your hammer or saw to build a birdhouse, would you? Of course not.  You would buy a hammer and a saw and look on YouTube to see how someone else did it.  You now have the tool and the knowledge, there’s your system.  You only need some basic materials and the desire and time to get it done with your own hands, focus, and creative style. Like anything, once you have the system, execution is your own hurdle.  Taking those first steps builds momentum.  The only way to take those first steps is to make the decision to action and yes, I have a system for that too.

That’s All From The Bach Row.

How Make Better Decisions That Lead To Action

I follow a handful of bloggers that cover personal finance on one end of my interest scale to leadership on the other end.  In resources, I list a few of the FIRE bloggers that I follow and at times, I occasionally make a few comments on the posts that they write.  Most times, I read the piece, and pull out one or two helpful nuggets of their perspective think about them for a while, and figure out how I can utilize the information.  Sometimes I even save a couple of the sites or tools that are referenced and refer to them later where I retrieve them from my Favorites folder.  I don’t take too much action unless it grabs my attention and imagination.  I’ll leave my option open to re-read the blog later on.  Guess what? Later never seems to materialize as the sense of urgency has peaked and it’s never the same stimuli later on. It’s a component of the “decay rate.” Continue reading “How Make Better Decisions That Lead To Action”

How To Define Your Success: Back To Basics

Definitions for success can be listed from here and to “infinity and beyond” because everyone has their interpretation of success.  These interpretations are usually formulated by what one hears, sees on TV, reads on the internet, or by emulating people whom one admires.  Of all the things and meanings that one attributes to success, everyone can ultimately agree that success is not an endpoint, it’s a process.  Where everyone splits off in every direction is how success is measured. Jack Welch stated it best when he said, “You get what you measure”. That’s a great quote and it’s also a guideline to keep you honest and focused on the goal. It’s not all about achieving the goal, it’s about what you become striving to achieve the goal.  Along the way, you measure milestones to keep yourself on track.

Continue reading “How To Define Your Success: Back To Basics”

How to Enjoy Delayed Gratification

I always wanted two cars from the era of my youth, a 1969 Dodge Charger in Plum Crazy and a 1970 Dodge Challenger in white.  Vanishing Point White.  For a few years, I researched the time, cost, and effort to restore one of these rare and sought-after cars. In 2008, Dodge came out with the modern version of the Challenger from my youth. Same shape, lines, hood, and deck lid, just beefier, heavier, and with a more aggressive-looking stance. A fantasy turned into a reality, and now a dilemma, restore or buy new.   Continue reading “How to Enjoy Delayed Gratification”

How To Find Out Your Priorities

Are you the type of person who likes to learn about what matters to you and have a clear understanding of what your priorities are?
Do you want total control of the things that flow into and out of your life?
If so, have I got some cool tools for you?
If you want to understand your priorities then all you have to do is look at where you spend your money each month. If you decide that you are a person who desires to gain control of your finances, your first step is to measure your spending. A very simple goal is to spend your
money on things that are important to you and cut down spending on things that are not. Continue reading “How To Find Out Your Priorities”

The Five Books You Must Read

When I started my technical sales career at Pharmacia Biotech, the sales department had a well-planned sales and product training program that to this day remains my gold standard of training.  It consisted of a comprehensive course: two weeks at headquarters for sales/marketing product lectures, hands-on product training, and Professional Selling Skills training. After the second week, the trainers sent you into your territory with your manager for two weeks applying everything that you just learned.  After that, back to HQ to focus on different product areas and more selling skills for another two full weeks and then back into your territory.  This cycle repeated for over four months and the team selling/coaching sessions with your manager lasted another three or four months after.  During this period, it was also expected that you continue with your self-study on the products and your customer’s business. On top of that, you were required to hit your monthly sales targets and complete your admin duties consistently.  It did get a lot easier once you mastered the product line, and your customers, and learned what’s important to manage your manager. (See the 80/20 rule.)    This methodology of constant and never-ending improvement became part of a very healthy corporate culture and a team driven to lead the market in best-in-class products, technical sales, and customer satisfaction. The lifelong skill that this method taught me is not only learning new skills and how to apply newly developed skills. Knowing is not enough, one must apply. Continue reading “The Five Books You Must Read”

20 Rules That You Should Follow 80% of the Time

According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of all activities produce 80% of all results. To put it in another way, people tend to expend 80% of their efforts on activities that have minimal effects on the results. The Pareto Principle can be validated by looking at many of your past successes that you are most proud of. In hindsight, it seemed so easy because we focused on the right or the best 20% of the activities, whether it was expertise, guidance or sheer luck on how things fell into place. People who are focused on activities that produce results are those who have created goals and plans and follow these plans while making minor adjustments to them. Who has time for goals?  We’ll get back to that in a minute. Here’s another question: Who even has the time to read all of the content that lands in your feed?  Believe it or not, you are utilizing the 80/20 rule as you purposely filter things out. We tend to filter out 80% of the online content that requires thought, learning, or reflection and head right to the 20% that the reader finds entertaining. If it was a choice between entertainment or learning and applying a new skill, most people go right for the entertainment. Continue reading “20 Rules That You Should Follow 80% of the Time”

Time Travel Made Easy

Time Travel. I’ve always been fascinated by time travel-themed movies and having the ability to change just one thing that would affect my future.  Not the Back To The Future, Marty McFly stuff that messes up the space-time continuum and the whole alternate 1985 bit either.  I’m talking about going back in time and advising myself of a certain age.  For me, it would be 1977, right after the photo was taken that was used in the Leader List Article  https://www.fromthebachrow.com/the-leader-list/.   I’ll give that advice to my 16-year-old self in May. It turns out we can do selective time travel when one interprets the code messages in blogs like this one and the one in the link below.  Continue reading “Time Travel Made Easy”

This Action Will Increase Your Pay

Just about this time of year, most big companies finish going through their annual review process and it usually closes with a salary adjustment. In the years gone by they were called merit increases or raises. Back in the day before the markets melted down, raises could be anywhere between 5-12% with the average hitting around 7%. Continue reading “This Action Will Increase Your Pay”

This Training Will Make Money For You

Creating valuable content for the blog allows me to pull threads of different themes that have become growth enablers for myself.  Years ago, I came across several authors who during their era, were the motivational champions of the business person: Dale Carnegie, Earl Nightingale, and Napoleon Hill.
I discovered their work in the “books on tape” section of the library. During my sales career, I would listen to books on tape as I traveled around my Midwest sales territory.  Today, podcasts are the tool, and the concept of learning and laughing on the road has never been easier.  Continue reading “This Training Will Make Money For You”

Your Tax Refund: Save Some, Spend Some, Invest Some

Did you know that your employer is required to provide you access to your annual W-2 statement by January 31?  When the W-2 statement arrives, I begin shopping for the latest version of Turbo Tax. Most of the time Costco has stocked and stacked near the TVs (why is that anyway?) and has a decent price.   Tax preparation time tends to put people into two buckets between January 31 and April 15 (18) early filers and procrastinators. Continue reading “Your Tax Refund: Save Some, Spend Some, Invest Some”

This Is Why You Should Prepare For The Job Interview

Planned Behavior-Based Job Interviews are popular and common and an objective tool used in many job interview processes. The questions below are just a small sample of the questions asked during this type of interview. Google “Behavior-Based Interviews” and you’ll find plenty of resources and supplemental information. You will find some clever answers to many of them.  https://www.livecareer.com/quintessential/star-interviewing   The whole point of these Behavior-Based Questions is how you clearly and effectively demonstrate how you can process information and communicate during the interview. Continue reading “This Is Why You Should Prepare For The Job Interview”

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