
These are a small collection of insightful blogs that promote smart living and smart spending. Many of the bloggers are very knowledgeable in the quest for financial independence and in some cases very entertaining. They all have a style of your own, and perhaps you can check out their sites and see if it’s a good fit for what you want to accomplish.

This is a crash course on personal finance. There’s a good intro, however, the video will provide you with a fantastic good dose of entertaining motivation.

I have my morning coffee with J. Money just about every day.

Here are a couple of blogs for one-stop bookmarking for some awesome tools.

If you’re into checklists and really want to understand the true power of time being on your side, this blog post will provide you with some ideas to continue to stay motivated over the long haul.  It really comes down to creating a few new habits that have measurable benefits.  Your future self will thank you for the efforts today.
The Ten Things You Need To Do Daily

Books on Personal Finance

Are you interested in learning more about personal finance by reading books?  Sometimes old school analog can help you disconnect from your computer and provide you a fresh perspective.  J.D. Roth is an active blog writer with a perspective that focuses on helping the reader.  In one of his blogs, he briefly reviews many books on personal finance and grades them.

You have to start somewhere, and it’s more important that you start. This list will help you take that first small step.
Don’t completely disregard a book by his grade as his review might be a better indicator of what you are looking for.

If you’re interested in reading more on this topic have a look at his article. Pick out a few books at the library.  If your library does not have it, ask the reference desk to order it.

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