This Calculator Will Tell When You Can Quit Your Job

If you’ve been surfing around my blog, you’ve come across the expense tracking sheet and the FIRE Calculator.  (Financial Independence Retire Early).   I’ve recently come across another fabulous calculator that will run models to provide you a line of sight to when you are going to hit a financial goal.    Here’s how easy and painless it is.  All you have to do is enter the following inputs:  (You’ll need a Google Account, to access the workbook).  Continue reading “This Calculator Will Tell When You Can Quit Your Job”

Every Hack You Need Located In One Place

Simple lessons that are obvious, but no one wants to talk about.

What’s the difference between a “Shortcut” and a “Hack”?  It was not clear to me, so I decided to write this piece based on the image above that came from
I’ll take a stab at differentiating the two.

To me, a Hack is related to a soft skill and a shortcut is something I took when walking home from school by cutting through a couple of neighbor’s yards to get home faster.
There is no shortage of hacks/shortcuts and everybody loves a shortcut.  Once you find and used a shortcut regularly, 80% of the time you don’t even realize that you are using it. Over time,  a shortcut becomes your normal routine. Continue reading “Every Hack You Need Located In One Place”